Daily Confidence affirmations + How To Use Affirmations

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What Are Affirmations For?

Affirmations change your thinking pattern over time to a more positive one. You create new thoughts by repeating these affirmations over and over again. At some point they are accepted by your subconsciousness and are treated as new beliefs about yourself.

You then start to change your behavior according to the new beliefs.

You can choose to change your beliefs about yourself.

 Why not start to believe something positive then?

Some affirmations will speak more to you than others.

You can relearn the truths you inner being already knows and affirmations are one way to do so.

how to use affirmations + self love affirmations

Who Are Affirmations For?

If you want to feel better about yourself and realign with your truth, then affirmations are worth a try.

We aren’t born with all the negative thoughts that are spinning around in our heads.

Our natural state of being is feeling like we deserve all the blessings and love the world has to offer and never question that. 

This state of being makes it easy for us to give and receive love.

And my guess is that we could all need some of that.

self-love affirmations


How You Can Use Affirmations

To break the habit of constant negative thoughts the most important thing is that you repeat your affirmations often! and make them a daily ritual.

They are here to replace the old beliefs, so it takes some practice to tell your brain otherwise.

Whenever you catch yourself thinking or feeling bad about yourself have a go-to affirmation you repeat in moments like that to stop the negativity spiral.

There are many ways you can add affirmations to your daily routine:


  • Practice them in front of the mirror:

Speaking affirmations while looking yourself in the eyes is one of the most powerful affirmation practices.

It’s uncomfortable at first but that’s just because you (literally) face all of your wrong beliefs you have about yourself.

You tell yourself another story and looking at yourself while doing so is reinforcing your words even more, making it easier for your subconscious mind to relate the affirmations specifically to you.

If it feels too hard for you in the beginning just keep on practicing. It gets easier after a few times.

After that first stage of discomfort, it has the potential to be the strongest confidence boost you can imagine.

Your approval of yourself gets you in a position where you don’t need other people’s approval anymore. You are enough for yourself and slowly find back to your true self.


  • Listen to affirmations while you do mindless things:

There’re a lot of affirmation videos on YouTube. You can listen to these while you do things around your home, while you cook, while getting ready in the morning or evening, or while driving to work,…

Find a way to incorporate them as a solid habit into your daily routine.

how to use affirmations + self-love affirmations


  • Record yourself:

Choose the affirmations that resonate the most and record yourself speaking them.

Listening to your own voice makes the affirmations more believable for your subconscious mind than listening to a stranger’s voice.

You can play your record throughout your day, maybe even repeat them out loud or in your head.

Another very effective time to listen to your record is while falling asleep.

The conscious mind drops off and doesn’t filter what you say anymore. The message reaches your subconscious mind unfiltered and you don’t have your ego interfering by saying that these affirmations aren’t the truth, or not working, or whatever it is coming up with trying to keep you safe in your old habits.


  • Combine them with your meditation practice:

To become real present with your affirmations you can also make them a part of your meditation.

Sit down close your eyes and listen. What comes up when listening to your affirmations? Is it resistance or acceptance? Just notice what you feel without judgment.

If you feel resistance you could try to choose affirmations that are more resonating with you at the moment and slowly incorporate more with time when they feel right.

That’s when recording yourself speaking them makes a lot of sense because you can choose the affirmations yourself.

But you can also use the affirmations that trigger you as a call for extra attention. Affirmations to rewire these beliefs are one thing but maybe you want to go deeper to the root of the issue and do some more healing work around them.


  • Write them in your journal:

Another practice is to write them down. You can see them outside of your head, that way they become more tangible.

Repeating the affirmations not only in your head but also combining speaking with writing helps them sink deeper into your mind.

how to use affirmations + self love affirmations

60 Confidence Affirmations For Your Daily Self-Love Practice

  1. I approve of myself
  2. I feel good about myself every day
  3. My best is enough.
  4. I believe in myself.
  5. I deeply care for myself.
  6. I am kind and gentle with myself
  7. I am worthy
  8. My feelings matter.
  9. I create a sense of home within myself
  10. I feel safe to be me
  11. My worth is untouchable
  12. I express my needs and wishes freely
  13. I am worthy of my own love
  14. I accept myself
  15. I am loved and loving
  16. I got a lot of love to give
  17. I make decisions based on my truth and my values
  18. It’s okay to disagree
  19. I trust myself
  20. I speak up for myself with ease
  21. I bring love to all parts of my body
  22. I share my voice freely
  23. I radiate confidence and authenticity
  24. I am safe to be myself around others
  25. I validate myself
  26. I completely love and embrace myself
  27. I am 100% allowed to make mistakes and to change my mind
  28. I am committed to healing my relationship with myself
  29. I am wildly capable of creating the life of my dreams
  30. My heart is open for love to flow in and out
  31. I let go of other people’s fears and limitations. I create my own life.
  32. I am at peace with my past
  33. I am worthy of all my goals and desires. I allow myself to receive.
  34. Every day I create my dream life
  35. I only allow loving connections into my life
  36. I value myself
  37. I am effortlessly myself
  38. It’s okay not to be liked by everyone
  39. I am whole
  40. I am wonderful just as I am
  41. I am open to receive blessings
  42. I see love everywhere around and inside of me
  43. I am worthy of the time and money I invest in my health and growth
  44. I am worthy of all the blessings coming my way
  45. I appreciate myself
  46. I feel comfortable looking at myself
  47. I allow others to see ME
  48. I accept my body
  49. I am grateful for my body
  50. I give love freely
  51. I connect with my inner power
  52. I create a space of belonging within myself
  53. My feelings and needs are valid
  54. My worth goes way beyond my bodily condition
  55. I am brave enough to always speak my truth and let other people know how I truly feel
  56. I express myself freely
  57. My life is only getting better and better
  58. The best answer is already within me
  59. I can see true beauty within me
  60. I am radiating self-love


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